Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Video: Problem with transracial adoption

The video gives a perspective from an african american who was adopted into a white family. He explains the issues that he is dealing with, which involve his identity.

I believe that this video is a great example of what a lot of transracially adopted children feel for these situations and others' reactions towards them. It would absolutely be difficult to grow up in a situation like this, not because of the family, but because of the people around the family. Fortunately, this world seems to be catching on to the trend and accepting it more. There will always be people who frown on things that are different because they do not understand or care to learn. All that we can do, like the man in the video is live life to the fullest and strive to prove to others and ourselves that anything is possible.


  1. This video is good and it is interesting!

  2. I think our main focus should be providing safe haven, stable home for children who are in need of adoption instead of focusing race.

  3. I like the video, but I feel like you could talk about it a little bit more. It seems like the video is doing all the talking for you.

  4. I like the video! but I think you can be more in dept about your idea. For example, you could edit your post about what you think about it and how others think about this video.

  5. I Liked this video, But I feel like you could talk little bit more about this, and then put the video. maybe you could talk about your own perspective, and use video as a support. Also is your topic general adoption or is it more about race because this video is talking about race!
    Good Work!

  6. I like the video clip,would be nice to hear your voice on this issue as well so its not just the video doing all the talking.

  7. Powerful video. It presents an adopted child point of view of the issue. More elaboration from you would make it better

  8. I also liked the video and agree with the previous comments. It should be mainly about providing homes and safe havens for all children, not race. Unfortunately, it is never that easy because when dealing with identity and creating/establishing one's self, things become very complicated. However, it would be nice to hear a little bit of your voice in this so you could talk about how being adopted by another race is difficult because in some minds, they are not fully accepted by either groups of race. For example, even though a black person was raised by a white family others my not fully accept the child as white. Same goes the other way, other African people may not fully accept him as black because he was raised by a white family. Kind of a double-edged sword here.
