Thursday, March 31, 2011

Transracial Adoption

Transracial/Transcultural adoption: placing a child who is of one race or ethnic group with adoptive parents of another race or ethnic group.

Transracial adoption has always been such a controversial topic. Through this blog, I will be posting the history of transracial adoption, analysis of what it has produced, opinions from those involved in the adoption and others who have an interest, and everything else that I come to discover during my research of this topic.

This blog is meant to inform the public of the issues surrounding transracial adoption. Also, to give multiple perspectives of this topic so that anyone who stumbles upon this blog has an opportunity to view this topic from any and every angle possible.

While some adoptive families may wish to adopt a child of the same racial background as themselves, others choose to diversify their family makeup by adopting a child of a different race or ethnicity. Throughout America, there are thousands of blended families as more couples choose to open their arms to children of all kinds of backgrounds.
Some adoptive families that are open to adopting transracially wonder if an expectant mother will choose a family of another race to raise her child, or if she will prefer a family that is of the same racial background as her child. While it is ultimately up to the expectant mother to choose a family for her child, we work with hundreds of expectant mothers each year who choose to place their babies with waiting families that are of a different race. Typically, those families that demonstrate their openness to adopt a child of a different race in their Adoptive Family Profile, or who highlight their love of different cultures, are often chosen by expectant mothers of a different race.